Air Freight Glossary

A glossary of words and their definitions used in the air freight industry

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There are currently 8 names in this directory beginning with the letter A.
Accord Dangereux Routier (ADR)
International and European contract for hazardous goods transports on the road

Active Temperature Controlled System (ACT)
Actively powered systems using electricity or other fuel source to maintain a temperature-controlled environment inside the aircarft

Actual Time of Arrival (ATA)
The time that an aircraft is determined to arrive at its destination, indicating the exact time.

Air Automated Manifest System (AAMS)
An electronic information transmission system launched by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). It was launched to gain detailed information about cargo imported into the country

Air Traffic Control (ATC)
Service provided by ground-based air traffic controllers who direct aircraft on the ground and through controlled airspace

Air waybill (AWB)
Document that accompanies goods shipped by an international air courier to provide detailed information about the shipment and allow it to be tracked. (Aviation counterpart of the bill of lading)

Aircraft on ground (AOG)
Term in aviation maintenance indicating that a problem is serious enough to prevent an aircraft from flying until it is approved for flight again

Animal products for non-human consumption (PEB)
Defined as entire cadavers or parts of animals or products of animal origin not intended for human consumption, including egg-cells, embryos and semen, and excluding animal faeces, kitchen waste and leftover food